PT Aerofood Indonesia and Udayana University Sign MOU and Agreement, supporting Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program

Badung (20/2) PT Aerofood Indonesia and Udayana University signed an MOU and Cooperation related to the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program, at the Udayana University Rectorate Building. Through this program, Udayana University students can carry out Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL), internships, workshops and research at PT Aerofood Indonesia as one of the implementations of the MBKM Program.
The signing of the MOU was carried out by the President Director of PT Aerofood Indonesia, I Wayan Susena with the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng. While the cooperation program was symbolically signed by M. Arief Wicaksono as Director of Finance and Human Resources of PT Aerofood Indonesia, with Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, and Rina Syafitri as Vice President of Human Capital of PT Aerofood Indonesia with Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D Dean of FMIPA Udayana University MOU and this collaboration is a form of implementation of the MBKM Program where students from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and FMIPA can learn directly in the industrial world, especially at PT Aerofood Indonesia.


President Director of PT Aerofood Indonesia I Wayan Susena said that he strongly supports the cooperation of MBKM program implementation, this cooperation is very important for the preparation of young generation human resources. He also expressed his readiness to accept and participate in developing the competence of Udayana University students with work practices under the direct guidance of professionals in the Inflight Catering, Industrial Catering, Retail Catering, and laundry industries of PT Aerofood Indonesia in accordance with their majors. I Wayan Susena said that it does not rule out the possibility of Udayana University students to join together at PT Aerofood Indonesia according to the needs of the Company.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng appreciated the collaboration program with PT Aerofood Indonesia, he said this collaboration was very positive and had a significant impact on adding insight, mastering soft skills and changing the mindset of students. This has been proven by research conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. During the internship, students are encouraged to study seriously and absorb as much knowledge as possible, to enrich their knowledge and skills, so that when they graduate from the Program, they become students with new skills and mindsets, which will be very useful in making them more work-ready and competitive students after graduating from college.

Cooperation with Aerofood Indonesia is very important for Udayana University to open new insights and review which curriculum or study programs are still relevant, and in accordance with the needs of the industrial world today, so that what is taught in college is in accordance with the needs of the world of work.