Handover Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners Position

Cengkareng (4/4) Located in the Aerofood ACS Dining Room, the Handover of Office of PT Aerofood Indonesia Management was held, which was witnessed directly by PT Aerofood Indonesia Shareholders, Aerowisata Group Directors and other management ranks. Based on the Shareholders’ Resolution Outside the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Aerofood Indonesia, which is effective on April 1, 2024, the management of PT Aerofood Indonesia has changed as follows:


President Commissioner : Mohamad Reza Yunardi

Independent Commissioner : N. Nila Oktaviany

Independent Commissioner : Agus M. Santoso



President Director : I Wayan Susena

Director of Operation : Yanti Herlina R. Siregar

Director of Finance and Human Capital : Mohammad Arief Wicaksono

Director of Strategy and Commercial : Emil Fadilah